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"A great defense is good offense" -Jack Dempsey

Pacific Ridgeline Forestry is no stranger to fire.  For over a decade, PRF has been at the forefront of preventing and combating wildfires. We've worked tirelessly alongside firefighting agencies to control and prevent the spread of these natural disasters, playing a pivotal role in safeguarding communities and natural habitats. Every year we utilize our equipment, falling mods and knowledge of forest management to assist in strategic firebreak creation, controlled burning operations, and emergency services to effectively manage these environmental crises. Our commitment to this cause is the backbone of our business today. 


  • Understory thinning involves selectively removing smaller, less competitive trees and shrubs under the forest canopy that can fuel fire. It also reduces competition and promote growth and health of remaining trees


  • Mastication is the process of grinding up trees and brush into mulch, reducing fuel for wildfires and creating a natural barrier to slow or stop the fire's spread.


  • Chipping is an effective fuel reduction method. It involes shredding trees and brush into smaller wood chips. This process helps in wildfire prevention by removing potential fuels, reducing underbrush density, and creating a less combustible landscape.


  • Piling involves gathering and stacking branches, brush, and debris into piles. This method is effective for fire prevention as it concentrates combustible material in controlled locations, making it easier to manage and safely burn under supervised conditions, thereby reducing the risk of widespread wildfires.


  • Fire breaks creation begins with clearing vegetation and creating barriers in strategic locations to interrupt the continuity of fuel for wildfires. These breaks stop or slow the spread of fire by removing combustible materials, acting as a containment line that prevents wildfires from advancing into new areas.


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With each passing year, wildfires are becoming an increasingly severe threat in our region, posing risks to properties, ecosystems, and communities. Don't leave your land vulnerable; take decisive action now. Luckily, there are currently funds available through the NRCS that can cover up to 75% of the cost associated with these preventative measures. When combined with timber harvesting, which generates revenue, these essential wildfire prevention practices can often be implemented at little to no cost to landowners. It's a win-win situation: safeguarding your land from wildfires while potentially turning a profit. Contact us to get on the 2025 list!

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